October Newsletter

business women

You may like to consider providing a brief note to prospective franchisee about having a lawyer review their documents and I suggest you could use this as a guide. If you’re considering buying a franchise, you’ve probably been given an overload of information from the franchisor and might even feel that you can wade through … Read more

Franchise Radio Show 92 “Franchising Today – The Way Forward with the FCA” with CEO Mary Aldred

Mary Aldred commenced as the Chief Executive Officer of the Franchise Council of Australia in April 2018. Mary brings to the role extensive experience across government, industry and business, as well as a strong focus on membership engagement, stakeholder collaboration and effective advocacy. Mary is also a Board Director of Australian Sustainable Hardwoods in Heyfield.

Franchise Radio Show 91 “UGRs – the hidden secrets to business success” with Steve Simpson

Steve Simpson is recognised locally and globally as having unique and practical insights into transforming corporate cultures. In particular his unique concept of UGRs (unwritten ground rules) helps cut through the complexity of creating a great workplace culture. This powerful concept enables leaders and managers to understand and strategically improve their workplace culture.

September Newsletter

business women

Every now and then we see something that we believe complements and supports our commitment to helping you run a great business. We have spent some time with Alec Blacklaw Founder and Creator of The Business Improvement Program and he is putting on a special event in September we think you should take a look … Read more

Is my business franchisable?

business women

Is my business franchisable? This is a question I am asked every day of the week. And the answer… I have a question of you. ‘How flexible are you to making changes to your business and the way you do business?’ You see, almost every business can be franchised in theory. It just needs to … Read more

Franchise Radio Show 88 “10 Quick Fire Tips to Lead, Develop & Improve The Productivity of Your Team” with Tim Wade

Tim Wade is a global keynote speaker who speaks at conferences for a living, for audiences as large as 10,000 people. He speaks and trains on:> motivating positive change,> sharing leadership strategies,

We believe in doing business… …for good

Our quest is to continue to help business owners who want to grow their business into a more valuable asset.

We do this through a number of our enterprises.

Through Franchise Simply® we help business owners who want to grow their business into a more valuable asset through franchising. The team of expert advisors at Franchise Simply® does this this through our simple three step Franchise Success Path which can be delivered in many different ways to suit you. We work closely with our team of leading franchise experts to provide the full range of services to the franchise industry, from carefully crafted legal agreements and operations and procedure manuals, to expert advice on corporate structures, fee structures, territory planning, franchisee support, recruitment and much more…The result - our members implement fast and get everything they need to succeed all in one place. Click here to join our inspiring community of entrepreneurs and you can be our next success story.

We believe in giving back and so a percentage of every program is given to Now 90,000 and 450,000 to help women in Southern Saharan Africa to build businesses and take their families out of poverty. To date we have helped provide over 60,000 loans impacting on 355,000 impoverished people.