Brian Keen releases articles of many kinds to the media and through other avenues such as
YouTube, Vimeo and Soundcloud. Here are some of the franchise radio recordings that you can browse and listen to.

As An Experience Franchisee You Know Everything About Franchising – Right?

Just lately I have had a couple of franchisees with experience in different brands coming to me saying they are considering buying the rights to become the Australian franchisor or setting up their own franchise group. Invariably, the people concerned say they know everything about franchising and that they just want help with setting up their systems. The rest is in the bag, and they see no problems in the future.

Managing the tricky side of the home service sector

All those years ago when I first became involved with franchising, the franchised home service industries were pretty much limited to lawn mowing and cleaning domestic properties. Franchised businesses were concentrated in the bricks and mortar arena. Predominantly retail and food. Why? Because franchisees attracted to these areas had the skills to take on the business management required as well as delivery of the product.

Can Franchise Fare Better in these Tough Times?

We weren’t surprised when we recently read that the accommodation and food services sector is being hit by a wave of insolvencies. The ABC recently reported that ASIC says more than 1,000 external administrations have been appointed this financial year to March 25 – double the amount from the…

Women in Top-tier Management Roles are Better for Business

I was not surprised to read the other day that more women at the top in business is better for business. I came across a news item from the Australian Government Workplace Gender Equality Agency (albeit dated June 2020) which showed that:

The Myriad of Franchise Brands in Australia Today

Recently the Franchise Council of Australia published The State of Franchise Report and we are sure everyone is talking about the results shown which are so encouraging.

Food and franchising in this tricky post COVID recovery

We deal with food franchises a lot. Mostly fast food but restaurants as well and over the years we have watched many as they take their journey as a franchise group. It’s exciting. This year though, we are seeing a couple of trends which we think will lead the industry and set some apart from … Read more

The tricky bits around franchising in the caring industries

These are growth areas in business today and the latest franchise data shows that at least 9% of all franchise groups fall here and I think it is higher because some will fall into the general services or retail categories and not be picked up. Beauty for instance is not categorised separately.

The secret to developing a successful franchise group in 2023

The growth of digital marketing means lead generation and marketing have to be managed by franchisors in most cases. It is too big and specialised a job for most franchisees to take on. Associated with that are other parts of business which are becoming more digitally aligned – communication systems, email, POS tied into a central bookkeeping system – the list goes on.

Recruitment Challenges

The franchising industry is concerned about recruiting new franchisees due to various factors such as the COVID-19 pandemic, economic uncertainty, and changing consumer preferences.

Franchising on the road…

Multi-unit franchising, where individual franchisees own multiple units continues to be a significant trend in the franchise sector worldwide
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We believe in doing business… …for good

Our quest is to continue to help business owners who want to grow their business into a more valuable asset.

We do this through a number of our enterprises.

Through Franchise Simply® we help business owners who want to grow their business into a more valuable asset through franchising. The team of expert advisors at Franchise Simply® does this this through our simple three step Franchise Success Path which can be delivered in many different ways to suit you. We work closely with our team of leading franchise experts to provide the full range of services to the franchise industry, from carefully crafted legal agreements and operations and procedure manuals, to expert advice on corporate structures, fee structures, territory planning, franchisee support, recruitment and much more…The result - our members implement fast and get everything they need to succeed all in one place. Click here to join our inspiring community of entrepreneurs and you can be our next success story.

We believe in giving back and so a percentage of every program is given to Now 90,000 and 450,000 to help women in Southern Saharan Africa to build businesses and take their families out of poverty. To date we have helped provide over 60,000 loans impacting on 355,000 impoverished people.