We know a franchise is never done.
As more franchise partners are added to your group and the group matures over time, growth challenges emerge. This is normal for every business but it can be frustrating and at times, very difficult.
In any franchise:
- Operations Manuals are always a work in progress.
- Market conditions change and the brand and marketing need to be tweaked.
- Franchisees mature into their role and support requirements change as they move from needing help with technical issues to needing business growth advice.
And sometimes things aren’t going so well and you just can’t put your finger on the reason.
With every growth challenge, you know specialist help to move to the next stage would be very useful.
Sometimes it would just help to have someone independent to talk to.
How we help
We don’t offer specific programs for franchisors because needs vary so much from business to business and from time to time.
We offer two options outlined below.
You are looking for growth but there seem to be tricky bits in the way…
With our Franchisor Growth Program, we work with you in the first instance so we both understand how your franchise group works. Often the first step is a Critical Franchise Structure Workshop to get us all on the same page and to isolate the issues you are facing.
Following the Workshop, we would put together a package for you to work with Brian and a selected team of our specialists to take you to the next stage.
Being a franchisor can be a lonely business
Being a franchisor can be a lonely business. You are making decisions for the group, often in the face of competing interests from different franchisees. While you can (and should) chat to your franchisees often to see how they are travelling, these chats will not really be about you.
So, it is useful to set up a regular time with someone who has travelled the same road as you and who has seen so many others go through the same thing.
Brian offers regular mentoring sessions with franchisors at very cost effective prices.
Am I in the right place?
The first step in any of our programs is to suggest you learn as much as you can about franchising. The positives, the pitfalls, whether your business will fit this model and above all to find out if you really want to grow your business through this exciting growth model.
We suggest you start by having a chat with Brian or one of his experts. We will listen to your questions and ask a few of our own and the knowledge we gain about you and your business will give our team a good idea of where you sit. We can then advise you on your next step and offer you options for action.
So, if you would like that chat…
- Sign up for a free book which will also give you a free consultation with us
- Give us a call on 1300 960 136
- Email us at enquiries@franchisesimply.com.au
- Or fill in the Chat With Us box
And start the process by organizing the first free consultation with Brian or one of his experts.