The Huge Power of Small

A Franchise Simply Radio Show with Paul Dunn from Buy1Give1

Many of the most successful franchises are not complex but are based on simple concepts which connect to people and give them what they want.

The things that move us are actually tiny.

As Seth Godin, in his book Purple Cow, has said, we are now in the age of connection and to connect we need to be connected back to who we are.

What this means is that we need to think about life and business in a different way – as small moments of connection.

team members connecting hands

And if you look at business as a series of processes where the only job is to connect, then you can see that very powerful changes can be brought about by tiny things which cost very little.

What does this mean in day to day terms?

The easiest way to explain is through examples.

Ewe Move is a real estate company in the UK which is disrupting the industry simply because it uses moments of connection to really build trust with people.

For example, when they have an open home, they don’t just say thanks and hand over a business card. They give their visitors a Certificate of gratitude which says…

‘Thanks for coming and we are grateful that you did. Three children will receive life saving water because you came in to visit us.’

Because this is done with sincerity and authenticity through a charity called Buy1Give1, people are surprised and feel connected which builds trust, not something found in the real estate industry in general. The business impact of this one small change has been huge.

McDonald's drive thru signageMcDonalds uses the power of small to train their staff to connect too. Each service person is trained to lift their hand in a little wave as each customer comes up to the counter. Automatically this movement causes the service person to lift their eyes to meet the eyes of the customer which creates a moment of trust and connection.

Uber is a business worth over $42bn based on a simple app that makes service easy, controllable and connected. We know where the driver is and payment is made up front so we just need to jump in and go.

The Even Hotels in North America know it is the little things that count. They know their guests are largely business travelers so they and give them the everything to make business travel easy and inviting. Reception is in individual round tables where you sit and chat to your receptionist feeling welcomed. Food is wholesome and fresh, so you feel better. Many people can’t read tiny print on bottles of shampoo or conditioner without the aid of their glasses, so they have fixed it so it’s not so difficult to make a mistake. TripAdvisor reviews are so important so they ask for them as people leave, making it easy to fill in the form on a computer and because the experience has been so good, they get great feedback.

Always be looking for the little things and be asking, ‘How can I build a business where every interaction is taking my client’s breath away.’

The foundation is to look at why you are in business. Watch Simon Sinek’s wonderful TED talk on the Power of Why and differentiate yourself using the power of small to make sure your business is simply connecting back to you and your why.

Getting clarity of your why can be a challenge. We are all entrepreneurs at heart and surround ourselves with so many things, most of which really bring no value. So, turn on your mobile phone to record and ask yourself, ‘Why do I get up every morning?’

Paul, who works with Buy1Give1, gets up, ‘To give business the power to change lives just by doing what they normally do’.’

Brian gets up, ‘To help business owners who want to grow their businesses and get more time and money franchise simply, cost effectively and successfully and, in turn, enable him help women in Africa start businesses and lift their families out of poverty’

When you can answer that question for yourself with authenticity, you will be well on the way to being able to examine your franchise concept and business processes, making sure they connect back to your why, back to your customers and staff and easily pick where you can make a suite of small, simple changes that will build connection and trust.

You won’t get everyone you talk to. But you will be clear on who you want to work with and serve and you will get those who believe what you believe.

To hear the full Radio Show interview go to Franchise Simply Radio Shows and listen to Paul and Brian chat about the huge power of small. There are lots of others to listen to as well.

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