Thank You For Taking The Test
Thank you for taking my Franchise Test. Your results and a copy of the report will be sent to you by email which you will get within the next business day or two. Because I know you want to know what is important, here is a copy of the Franchise Report for you to read now.
If you would like to contact me to discuss your results, please go to the bottom of the page and find the contact options.
Your Franchise Test Overview
PLEASE NOTE: Since I may not have discussed your business with you in person and have not had the opportunity to look at important aspects of the business, we have been unable to score your business in detail. This report only looks at your business in comparatively simple detail.
Franchising is not for everybody nor for every business
We do know that franchising does not always work.
And so the first question any franchise consultant will ask you is; ‘Is your business suitable for franchising and do you have the business skills, confidence and personality to make your franchise system work?’
Some businesses are not suitable to franchise
Most businesses can be changed so that they are suitable.
But there are rare cases where the product is so specialized that only one or two outlets are needed to service customer needs. In this case it is not usually worth considering a franchise as there would not be a market to expand the business to many outlets in Australia. In other instances, the skills required to run the business are so specialized and it would be very difficult to find suitable franchisees.
Remember though, many businesses operate very successfully and very profitably with as few as 3 to 10 outlets.
Some owners do not have the characteristics to franchise
There are other occasions where business owners do not have the characteristics to manage a franchise chain.
By franchising, you will no longer be dealing directly with the product and its customers. Your business will involve managing your franchisees and managing the system they will be operating. Very different management and business skills are required and in many cases people happy with working in a business dealing with the day to day challenges of customers and product do not have the personality to take on the different skill set needed.
Remember though, these skills can be learned and as a franchise expands, many franchisors employ staff with the necessary skills to take on this challenging task.
How to find out if you and your business fit
‘Franchise Simply’ offers two levels of feasibility assessment which can be done by filling in our simple questionnaires or with input from our expert franchise mentors.
Assessment 1
The 4 minute Questionnaire – Is your business franchisable?
You have taken this first step and filled in the simple 4 minute Questionnaire which gives you a score between 1 and 10.
- 1 to 4 – Little Chance of successfully franchising without much work
- 5 to 7 – Your business is franchisable
- 8 to 10 – You have an excellent business to franchise
Don’t be concerned if you fall in to the lower score range. All businesses start at this point. In most cases this simply means you have work to do to build your business before it is ready for franchising. And that doesn’t mean you should not start to franchise from the outset. This way you will be ready to go when your business is ready to go. I would love to talk to you about your opportunities.
Assessment 2
The Franchise Business Health Check
The second level of assessment is my How to Franchise Simply Health Check which especially gives you an in-depth assessment of your business and the steps you need to take to convert to the franchise model.
In this assessment you fill in a detailed questionnaire on all aspects of your business. After looking at it in detail and at the opportunities for your industry, I spend 3 hours with you in a workshop discussing your goals and achievements.
This assessment identifies your personality, your current business skills, the changes you need to make and the avenues you have available to develop the skills needed. It also examines your business against your industry and identifies the suitability of your business for franchising and any changes which can be made to increase its suitability.
In most cases the necessary skills can be learned and the business can be modified.
A Case Study – The Retail Food Group; the value of planning and how important feasibility studies, projections, budgets and business plans are when franchising your business
The second level of assessment is my How to Franchise Simply Health Check which especially gives you an in-depth assessment of your business and the steps you need to take to convert to the franchise model.
In this assessment you fill in a detailed questionnaire on all aspects of your business. After looking at it in detail and at the opportunities for your industry, I spend 3 hours with you in a workshop discussing your goals and achievements.
This assessment identifies your personality, your current business skills, the changes you need to make and the avenues you have available to develop the skills needed. It also examines your business against your industry and identifies the suitability of your business for franchising and any changes which can be made to increase its suitability.
In most cases the necessary skills can be learned and the business can be modified.
Determining your readiness for franchising
On the following pages you’ll discover how you’ve done against the criteria we have tested.
The test questions
To remind you these questions are:
Does the business have a proven cash flow and profitability (or are we at the idea phase)?
Are we 100% committed to building a larger business?
Have we reached a cross roads in the business where a key decision needs to be made about the future direction of the business?
Have we had any enquiries from people wanting a franchise/ licence/partnership or to open a branch and are prepared to commit to this business?
Do we have proven demand for our product?
Can our business model be easily taught to others?
Do we generate enough profits so that franchisees can recover their initial investment quickly?
Do we have the right management in place?
Can we/do we have someone to look after the franchisees?
Do we have the necessary capital to develop the franchise system professionally?
What the test questions measure
1. Does the business have a proven cash flow and profitability (or are we at the idea phase)?
Some franchise consultants say a business has to have a proven cash flow and profitability before it can be franchised.
I do not necessarily think this is always the case.
Certainly, if you have developed your business to a level where cash flow and profitability are proven and are at a level where it will support a franchisee and their additional franchise expenses, then this criterion is well met.
I have worked with many situations where an experienced business person has taken a business concept and developed that as a franchised business very successfully.
A Case Study – Expense Reduction Analysts; the potential in taking a business concept and launching it nationally as a franchise at the outset
In 1991 my two business partners and I were busily growing The Franchise Alliance, a consulting and broking practice, and were conscious of the demand for white-collar franchises. We sourced a cost reduction business training program in the US and created it in Perth as a franchise model.
Rather than start the business ourselves, we spent six months creating a franchise system for the business, Expense Reduction Analysts. We included a comprehensive training program for franchisees and another for State Franchisors.
We then launched the business nationally and recruited three state franchisors each paying six-figure sums for their opportunity to join us in this exciting venture.
Within three years we had over 100 franchisees and had sold the rights for five Australian States, New Zealand and 10 countries in Southeast Asia.
Today Expense Reduction Analysts has gone on to operate today in 27 countries.
This was achieved by meeting the criteria of launching the business as a concept.
2. Are you 100% committed to building a larger business?
With my system, building a franchised business might be simple, but I do not pretend that it is always easy. Even if you have a proven business with great cash flow and profitability, there is still a lot of work to do to convert to the franchise model.
For a start you will be building more than one business. You will have at least two completely different businesses depending on your franchise structure.
For a start you will be building more than one business. You will have at least two completely different businesses depending on your franchise structure.
A second for you as franchisor. This business will look after your new partners, your franchisees. It has completely different functions and requires a completely different set of skills.
As a successful franchise owner, you will be setting up organization structures for both your new businesses and systemizing and documenting both sides of the franchise.
What the test questions measure
A Case Study – John O’Brien and PoolWerx; lessons to be learned from having your business model and growth strategy determined before expanding the business
John O’Brien’s journey into franchising commenced as a Crystal Soft Drinks delivery franchisee in Canberra. Some years later, after he travelled extensively looking for a new business he could grow nationally, one which would meet his criteria of creating a tiered national franchise structure to deliver a product or service that would build up regular clients, he acquired PoolWerx. PoolWerx was a North Shore, Sydney swimming pool maintenance and supplies business operating from a warehouse with three vans.
He converted the model so it focused on franchise retail hubs, each managing around seven franchised vans.
Today, he has over 60 hubs and 350 vans divided into franchise Regions and sub- regions around Australia. John has achieved his goal of establishing market dominance with the model he had initially designed.
In fact PoolWerx is the largest mobile swimming pool service company in the world and provides an excellent illustration of how success follows a strategically planned organization structure married to a well-researched product.
3. Have you reached a cross roads in the business where a key decision needs to be made about the future direction of the business?
Whether your business has been operating for one-year or 15 years, or is indeed a concept, and you have determined that now is the time to grow and you wish to consider your options, then you need to undertake some research before making a decision as to whether:
You continue as an independent business owner and invest the necessary capital
You source investors or joint-venture partners
A franchise model is more suited to your business and funding capacity.
4. Have you had any enquiries from people wanting a franchise/ license/partnership or to open a branch and who are prepared to commit to this business?
A good indication of likely interests from prospective franchisees are enquiries about replicating the business you have already. Such approaches may be from someone within your industry, a client or often a staff member.
Do not be discouraged if you’ve not had any enquiries as you will find out the level of interest in your potential franchises through your market research. If yours is a unique product you may be the first of your kind, giving you a very special opportunity to seize market dominance.
5. Do you have proven demand for your product?
If your business is established, have you clearly illustrated that you have customers for your product or service? And if it is appropriate, are you able to show that you are creating regular clients, receiving referrals and generally have evidence there is a capacity to grow the business?
In the case of an immature business or concept this will be determined by your market research.
6. Can your business model be easily taught to others?
Can your business concept be reduced to its simplest formula, the ideal model for franchising?
Are there people looking for business opportunities who have the skills, enthusiasm and capacity to be trained to provide your ultimate service to your clients?
Most businesses meet these criteria.
But it may be that your business requires a particular skill such as an electrician’s licence or a particular set of qualifications which may narrow the field of potential franchisees.
7. Do you generate enough profits so that franchisees can recover their initial investment quickly?
Does your business make trading margins which could be replicated so that each franchise outlet generates healthy profits?
Remember, as a franchise, you will be reducing many of the normal business overheads by improving efficiency at all levels of the operation, purchasing at better rates and, often through your franchisees collective initiatives, finding better and cheaper ways of doing things.
However, if you barely have the margins to make a trading profit for yourself then, subject to major restructuring, franchising may not be suitable for your business.
You will need to carefully prepare a series of budgets taking into account all the different franchise opportunities and costs in order to determine this point.
Remember, a profitable franchisee is a happy franchisee who will work for the group. And your happy franchisees will be the source of your growth in revenue and profits.
8. Do you have the right management in place?
Do you and your team have the skills to be able to grow your business efficiently?
Do you have the bones of your basic franchisor business in place? Are your systems well documented and sound? Do you have people who can look after your new franchise partners? Do you have the bookkeeping systems to keep an eye on the flow of money through the whole franchise system?
These are key elements of a successful franchise group.
You also need to consider how you will find the time to do the extra work to complete your franchise program and develop a comprehensive franchise business model that outlines the requirements and expectations of everyone involved.
9. Can you/do you have someone to look after the franchisees?
I keep mentioning this because it is so often overlooked and so often the reason new franchise groups fail to achieve their potential.
When you franchise your business your responsibilities and roles change dramatically.
Your new customers are your franchisees and it is your franchisees who look after your current customers.
One of the cornerstones to a successful franchise group is an excellent initial training program followed by really good quality ongoing support. You may be the person who fills this role initially, or maybe you have someone in your team that can do so.
In all likelihood once you start to grow beyond your first few franchisees you will be promoting someone or recruiting externally to find someone to do this job.
Remember, as a business developer you are one of the less than 5 percent of the population with the drive and initiative to launch their own business – and the role of nurturing and supporting franchisees is unlikely to be one of your natural characteristics. This is normal but you need a team around you to help you fulfil the diverse skills needed to manage a successful franchise.
And this is one of the reasons we recommend all your team and prospective franchisees undertake key psychological testing – the wrong people in the role can spell stormy seas ahead.
10. Do you have the necessary capital to develop the franchise system professionally?
If you have already researched the process of franchising your business, you will probably have seen typical costs for consultants in the $50,000 to $120,000 range with a further $15,000 to $30,000 for the legal documents.
You can of course avoid many of these costs by undertaking the franchising exercise yourself. My experience is though, that this is rarely successful because there are many areas where new franchisors unwittingly make mistakes.
Knowing how to avoid these myriad mistakes is what some people call the ‘secrets’ of success in franchising but I prefer to describe it collectively as accessing the wisdom of people experienced by long and varied careers in the franchise industry.
And the costs need not be so high.
Where to go from here
My Mentoring Programs give you all you need to franchise simply and successfully and cost effectively.
How my system works
After 30 years in the franchising business, working as a franchisee, a franchisor and helping others in the industry, I’ve developed a system that’s enabled me to help turn small and medium-sized businesses – from dog washers, bookkeepers and computer gamers through to pizzerias, pet shops and gift shops – into very successful and profitable franchise operations for their owners.
A proven step-by-step system
I’ve distilled the knowledge I’ve gained from my successes and my failures into a Four Part System which is now the foundation to my Mentoring Programs.
This is the 4D’s
Franchise Success Path
The foundation of your franchise:
Understanding Franchising
Strategic Planning
Strategic Marketing
Roles & Responsibilities
Define the structural elements:
Budgets & Fee Structure
Franchise Territories
Franchise Corporate Structure
Franchisee Support
Comprehensive documentation & testing:
Operation Manuals
Franchise Legals
Launch Franchisor Business
Launch Franchisee Pilot Business
Lead your franchise to success:
Recruit Franchisees
Franchisee Induction
Develop Team
Leverage Your Success
Case Study – Jack Cowin; using systems to grow your business
A good example using the franchising process of systemization and principles to grow business is Jack Cowin.
Jack Cowin came to Australia when he was 26 years old and had negotiated for the franchise rights for Kentucky Fried Chicken in WA. He opened ten stores from money raised through friends.
Today he owns the Hungry Jacks chain with 340 stores and until recently the KFC group in Western Australia and Northern Territory. One cannot help being impressed when you consider that only around 100 of the Hungry Jacks outlets are a franchise and that Jack Cowin also owns Competitive Foods, that supplies foodstuffs to KFC and other chains and groups, and has been the largest privately owned beef farmer and fast food franchise in Australia.
Jack has also used the systems principle in other businesses. He is a 40% owner of the Sydney Bridge Climb, a huge commitment in itself, and a significant investor in Ross Consulting, a personnel and employment business. He was cited in the recent BRW Rich List as being worth over $940 million and increasing.
Jack used the processes he learned in the early days with KFC to grow his business from being a young student to where he is today.
Learn about franchising
Before you begin, you need to know what a franchise is and how franchising works. And if you
have little experience in business it will also help to do some research on running a business and how franchising fits into the overall concept.
As with any business there are risks involved but these can be reduced if you research effectively.
Ask questions, read books and all the magazines you can find on the subject.
The Franchise Council of Australia website,, has much information on franchising from the view of both the franchisor and franchisee and is a good place to start. There is a list of reading material available which will help to put things into perspective.
The books we recommend as a good starting point are:
The E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber
Franchise Profit Tree by Glenn Walford
Profitable Partnerships – Improve your franchise relationships and change your life by Greg Nathan
Top Franchise Secrets Revealed – How to attract amazing wealth and success by Darren Stephens with Stephen Raff
My Programs and Workshops also train you in all aspects of franchising. You will have access to a wide range of experts in all fields needed to help you convert your business from accountants and lawyers with expertise in franchising and experts in specialist areas such as franchise support and territories.
Is it feasible to franchise your business?
As I have noted previously, franchising is not for everybody nor for every business.
You have taken the first step by filling in my 4 minute Questionnaire.
My Franchise Business Health Check is the next step in all of my Programs.
After working through Your Franchise Business Health Check Workshop with me you will know
if you and your business have what it takes and exactly what needs to be done, by when and by whom.
It takes all the mystery out of the process. Have a look at the case study over the page.
Develop the big picture
You need to be very sure of what your new franchised business will look like and will be doing before you can dive into the details.
Over the years I have found that the first step is always to re-look at the marketing strategy for your product alongside thinking about your franchise organization structure.
What EXACTLY is the profile of your ideal customer or client and what EXACTLY is it they want from your franchisees?
How EXACTLY will your franchisees deliver this product to meet your customers’ desires?
What does this mean for your franchised business structure? How many levels of management will you need to give the support they will need?
Case Study – Eagle Boys Pizza; This is founder Tom Potter’s story illustrating the value of planning and how important feasibility studies, projections, budgets and business plans are when franchising your business.
The benefits of using feasibility studies and business plans, doing accurate projections and budgets is shown by Tom Potter.
Tom qualified as a food technologist and launched Eagle Boys Pizza in Albury when he was 27 – three years ahead of his goal. His plans were well prepared before he started on the road to his enormous success.
Tom had prepared his cash flow projections and a business plan hammered together with a strategy that involved avoiding the established major competitors by focusing on regional towns.
You need a strong senior team that is monitored continually. And whilst the plans and budgets are critical it doesn’t stop there says Tom. He puts his success to the people he chose to have around him, those who had done it before – two to three advisors who were not involved financially with him and had experience in in pizzas, retail and franchising.
”We had a good balance,” he said.
His long-term plans came to fruition a few years ago when he sold his New Zealand operation to Pizza Hut and his close to 200 outlet Australian business to a private equity company that has used Tom’s blueprint to acquire other pizza groups and grow to excess 350 outlets.
Tom now applies his wisdom to his latest venture, Crusty Devil Bakehouse.
Build the two franchise businesses and documents
Development of the franchise businesses and documents is the central action taken to convert a business into a franchise system. A prospective franchisor designs and develops a franchise business by researching, designing and writing two systems and two sets of documents:
Those that will control the overall franchise system or franchisor business
Those that will control the franchise outlets owned and operated by the franchisees.
Some of these documents are required by law and others are there simply to clarify business practices.
What you are really doing is changing your existing business to create two simpler new businesses, one for the franchisor and one for the franchisee.
The franchisee documents include:
The initial design of the franchisee business
The Operations and Procedures Manual that controls the details of the way the franchisee business is managed
The Legal Agreement between the franchisor and franchisee
The Disclosure Document from the franchisor to the franchisee
The franchisor documents include:
The initial design of the franchisor business
The franchisor business plan
The franchisor Operations and Procedures Manual that controls the details of the way the franchisor manages franchisees and creates the culture to grow the business
The Marketing Plans for selling each franchise
The Recruitment Package given to each prospective franchisee
These documents are developed in the following order.
1. Design the franchisee structure
The first action is to design, in a general sense, how each franchise outlet will look and operate and how the product will be standardized. At this stage the design is not detailed, it is an overview of the franchisee business and will include things such as customer service, product standards, branding, shop fit-out, accounting and reporting etc.It will also be really important to revisit your marketing strategy to make sure you know exactly who your ideal customer is and your customers’ characteristics. This information is the foundation of all the future work you will do on working out your franchisee territories.
Why it’s so important to get this structure right up front – it’s not easy to change later
The corporate structure of your business is critically important. Take the time to organise the way your company will look and this is an area it is crucial to get expert advice.
It is also important to get the fee structure right. Once you set the structure of fees you will be stuck with it and not easily able to make changes.
You need to look at
Annual franchise fees and work out a figure which makes both your franchisor business and your franchisees viable.
You may supply product to franchisees in which case you need to work out margins.
You may supply other services as well such as marketing and advertising and need to raise a charge to cover this.
Training and conferences will need to be accounted for and there may be accounting fees.
You may negotiate the purchase of product with suppliers to get rebates. This can be difficult and it is important to disclose them to your franchisees so there is no feeling that you are making some extra on the side.
You will need to look at renewal fees that a franchisee pays if they take another term, or transfer fee if they sell the franchise.
Your fee structure will also need to consider things such as
Structure of the business and initial cost to own the franchise
What does it cost you to set a franchise up, includes documentation costs
Fit out fees
Plant and equipment
Finally look at the corporate structure of your operation. Are you currently a sole trader operating under a business name? It is recommended you have a company structure to limit liability and to make the whole operation easier to sell at the end of the day.
2. Design the franchisor business
The next action is to design, also in a general sense, the way the franchisor will manage the overall franchise system. The franchisor will be responsible for things such as business culture, management of standards and systems, legal structure, accounts, communication systems between the franchisees and the franchisor, training offered, brand development etc. This is a critical stage – things you determine here will be committed to the Franchise Agreement, so make sure you get the structure right – especially fees etc.
3. Develop marketing plans for selling and establishing franchisee outlets
Once the overall concept of the franchise system is in place, the franchisor can develop the Franchisor Marketing Plan. This is the document which outlines how the franchises will be promoted for sale. A wide range of marketing material can be used including email, online brochures, live presentations, TV, Radio, etc.
4. Develop the franchise recruitment package material
The Recruitment Package will include the material given to each prospective franchisee when they approach with interest in buying an outlet. The package will have application forms, confidentiality agreements, and any information on seminars that will be run to provide information about the business. It will also determine when different levels of information are provided. And finally it will include material on the prices and when each portion of the payment is to be made.
5. Business plan for the franchisor business
Now the prospective franchisor understands the business, it is time to develop the business plan for the franchisor business. This will be a classic simple business plan identifying each part of the business with summarized forecasts on how it will develop over time.
6. Franchisor business Operations and Procedures Manuals
Writing a simple Operations and Procedures Manual to systemize the franchisor’s part of the business will ensure that each part of the business is carefully thought through. This will ensure that things such as research and development of the whole system, web page maintenance, franchisee training and regular networking and morale building are addressed.
Have a look at the case study over the page.
Case Study – Speedy Lube Automotive and the value of systems in all business formats
A great example of standardizing and systemizing a business is Doug McDonald from SpeedyLube in Coffs Harbour.
Speedy Lube is a drive-in car servicing business and when Doug was thinking of franchising I worked with him to systemize the business. We got all the documents in place, uniforms, scripts for each employee to greet and treat customers and so on. Doug was emphatic that every one needed to deal with clients in the same way.
Unfortunately Doug became unwell and decided not to go down the franchising path but to sell the business. The systems and standards his documentation enforced ensured that the business sold fast and for significantly more than it would have otherwise done. The purchaser, not a car mechanic but a professional person and enthusiast, knew that he could slip into the business easily, the systems were there and the staff well trained. Doug certainly received a significant and well-deserved bonus for his diligence!
7. Franchisee business Operations and Procedures Manuals
The development of the franchisee Operations and Procedures Manuals is seen by most consultants to be the most important step in franchising a business. It is crucial because it is this document which will ensure that each outlet is standardized and systemized and that every customer gets the level of service you, as the franchisor, thinks they should.
8. Franchise Agreement and Disclosure Documents
Legally required by the Franchise Code of Conduct, the Franchise Agreement and Disclosure Documents are the central part of any franchise business. These documents form the legally binding agreement between each franchisee and the franchisor. In many cases they are put together by a lawyer with little input by the prospective franchisor. However, using legally vetted templates any franchisor can put this document together themselves provided the finished documents are vetted again by an experienced franchise lawyer. This is where much of the money can be saved.
Many franchise consultants only focus on the last two documents, the franchisee business Operations and Procedures Manuals and the Franchise Agreement and Disclosure Documents.
I have found through years of experience with many different franchises of different kinds, that this is a false economy which creates problems. Where the documents which mostly look at the general overall design and how the franchisor business is structured and managed are not addressed, it becomes difficult to actually create the overall franchise business. And it is important to avoid the mistakes many new franchisors make, often unwittingly, through lack of experience or resources. It also becomes almost impossible to sell franchise outlets because they do not have the credibility of a well-structured parent operation to fall back onto and this
is evident to any astute buyer.
Develop the franchisor business
Before you can sell any franchises, you will need to get the various new parts of the franchisor business up and running.
Do you have the necessary accounting, marketing and support systems in place to ensure your franchisees will be well looked after?
My programs ensure you understand what has to be done.
Establish a pilot franchisee operation
You need to show that you can operate the business successfully as a franchise outlet. This is
the stage that it is essential to show the profitability and cash flow success of your franchise business.
So, it is usual to have a franchised outlet running under your management for at least one year to show that the systems work and the business is profitable.
To do this, you will need to use the Franchisee Operations and Procedures Manual to systemize your existing business so it becomes your first franchise or develop a new outlet.
Have a look at the case study over the page.
Case Study – Automasters, the value of a first operating a pilot business
It is important to open a pilot to establish in your mind and illustrate to others interested in your business that they can operate a franchise successfully And make a profit.
Automasters in WA and NSW is a good example. They operated in the late 80s with about seven Company-owned outlets and In about 1994 they franchised. They used one of their existing service centres and one of their managers to refresh all the systems and their manager helped with creating the documents.
Then that manager bought a franchise and within six months he was operating that store with 50% more turnover than he had as a managed store.
‘Why didn’t he do it when he worked for me?’ Peter Basich the owner asked.
After this preparation Automasters found it was easy to sell to other franchisees because they could clearly illustrate that the system worked and the profit was there.
The pilot also showed that performance level improved significantly when the store was operated by an owner rather than a manager.
Recruit franchisees
Finally, you as the franchisor will be in the exciting position of being able to advertise for franchisees and then select carefully and sell the first outlet.
Keep going until you have as many outlets operating as you need to keep the business operating in accordance with your business plan.
Manage your franchise business into the future
Now your franchise chain is up and running, your job is to keep being the entrepreneur and manager you always knew you were.
Put in place all the on-going training for your franchisees, make sure they keep the brand alive and that they are performing well and keep an eye on the changing vision for the future of your business.
One Last Thing
If you’d like the opportunity for a one-to-one Franchise Breakthrough Consultation without any fees applied, I will honour that for a limited period only
My diary is normally booked weeks in advance so I’d need to hear from you soon to reserve your session. I normally charge $750 for these ‘second-opinion’ consultations so act NOW and take advantage of this too-good-to-miss opportunity.
In the session together you can expect:
My dedicated time listening to and understanding your specific business concerns, challenges and opportunities
An objective “2nd Opinion” viewpoint on your issues
Me to reveal “blind spots” you might otherwise miss
Us to discuss a franchise roadmap to get you from where you are now to where you need to be
Clarity – so that you have a clear view of the next steps you need to take.
Call 1300 960 136 or contact and one of my team will contact you with a couple of times for our chat
I believe that, given we’re the right fit, together we can make a major difference not only for your business, but more importantly for you personally.
Being supported by top-tier professionals outside your business free of internal influences and distractions can become your own “secret weapon” towards achieving your goals.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Invaluable Insights from a Successful Franchisor

Aziz Elali
After meeting with Brian over the phone and explaining to him my future dreams for my business, we got to work straight away. We began by outlining the costs involved. Brian’s fees are well worth the investment. Previous quotes I got before speaking to Brian were 8 times more expensive with the cheapest quote being 5 times Brian’s price. The competitions argument is that they do the work for you. This is not true. The fact is you are franchising your business and anyone you deal with is going to require you do the bulk of the work as you are the only one with the answers to their questions. The whole process start to finish took approximately 6 months (this could have been done in 6 weeks if I could allocate all of my time to it. Brian will guide and help you with the steps involved in getting your business legally franchised. He is also there to support you after you have reached the point of being franchise ready. In short, in business and in life it is rare that you come across someone that is genuinely passionate about what they do. When you meet one of these people, hold on with both hands. The value you receive will far outweigh any monetary amount you might pay them. When someone loves what they do they don’t charge you by the minute. On many occasions Brian has called and still calls to see how things are going with my business. I feel as if I am taking on this journey for myself but never by myself. In 3 months I have gone from 1 location to currently having another opened and 2 more under construction. Thanks Brian for your initial and ongoing services. You made the impossible a reality and you did so very quickly.
Look forward to talking to you!