Franchise Opportunities
Have you reached a pinnacle and are now feeling unsure about how to expand your business?
Franchising has become extremely popular in recent years and for good reason.
Franchise opportunities can offer you multiple benefits, including huge growth, access to capital, a wider customer base and reduced risk. Whether you’re a new or experienced business owner hoping to set up a franchise group for extra ongoing capital or to sell outlets to prospective franchisees, we can make the process quick, easy and successful. We’re also here to advise clients who want to create a franchise group from a new business concept.
We’ll Show You How to Gain the Best Franchise Opportunities
When you franchise, you essentially sell the right to use your brand, products, and systems to other entrepreneurs
who want to start their own businesses under your brand name.
The primary benefit of franchising your business is that it allows you to expand more quickly and with less capital than you would need if you were to expand in other ways. Therefore, if you’ve been hoping to expand your core business and considering bringing in investors or investing in infrastructure and personnel, it’s definitely worth looking at franchise opportunities instead.
Franchising also allows you to tap into a wider customer base, as you’re not just relying on your own marketing and advertising efforts to attract customers. Instead, you’re leveraging the marketing and advertising efforts of your franchisees. This means that you can quickly reach more customers across a greater geographical area with much less effort than you would be able to on your own.

Some people might ask about risk at this point, with questions like “what happens if a franchise location doesn’t succeed or damages the brand’s reputation?”. It’s true that there is some risk involved in any type of business expansion, but your franchisees have also put their hard-earned time and money into your brand, which gives them a greater motivation to succeed. The risk is also lessened by the fact that the financial burden of any losses are shared, so that it doesn’t fall entirely on your shoulders. The best franchises take time to choose their franchisees carefully and don’t just sell to anyone, which limits these risks dramatically.
Which are the Best Franchises to Own?
You’ve definitely heard of some of the most successful and popular franchise businesses that started off with a business the same size as you have now, such as Mc Donalds restaurants, which has over 38,000 locations in more than 100 countries.
Closer to home, you’ve likely heard of Jim’s Mowing and home service provider, 7-Eleven service stations, Just Cuts hairdressers or Battery World franchises that have expanded across Australia. As our amazing success stories show, it doesn’t matter what type of business you run, it just takes a little know-how to bring your franchising potential to light. At FranchiseSimply, we have that know-how, so give us a call today on 0417 211 366 or fill out our online contact form for a chat about your franchising potential.